The Transylvania Community Arts Council is generously supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, the City of Brevard, local businesses, and individuals. These friends are committed to the importance of the arts in our community, and support TC Arts in our commitment to providing opportunities for visual and performing artists, as well as providing arts education for adults and children.
Coming Soon
Become an Artist Member
Recommended for emerging and professional artists, and arts educators who want to support programming specific to the needs of artists and educators in our community, including Arts in Schools and professional development for artists. Minimum donation: $100.
Benefits include:
Email newsletter to share news about the creative projects you are helping to fund!
Invitation to Arts Council’s public exhibitions and events
Invitation to Preview Party & Purchase – Holiday Art Event
Listing in Email Newsletter – minimum of 3 times per year
Highlight post on social media – minimum of 3 times per year
Complimentary registration to all open art shows
Notification of Business of Art opportunities
Notification of opportunities to lead workshops
Corporate Sponsors
To learn more about becoming a Corporate Arts Sponsor contact Kathy King at executivedirector@tcarts.org